
Teach you choose the best low-cost monitors

LCD monitor when using the computer in our daily electronic devices take a long time to face , and the display is radiated more products , for large brands of LCD monitors its internal layout is more reasonable , done in the electromagnetic radiation shielding is in place .

Metallic shield layer is indispensable to monitor the original low

Electromagnetic radiation is the electromagnetic energy in the form of electromagnetic waves propagating through space phenomenon , OLED Display it is commonly referred to as the propagation velocity of light. Electromagnetic radiation according to their wavelength, frequency arranged in a number of frequency bands , the formation of the electromagnetic spectrum . The higher the frequency the greater the energy of the quantum of radiation and its biological effects is stronger .

The liquid crystal display screen electromagnetic radiation best approach is covered in a metallic shield radiation . We understand that the metal shield may be cut off the spread of electromagnetic radiation , but also conducive to heat transfer . From disassemble the figure we can see that the metal layer does not need very thick , just and accurate coverage of the radiation source to solve the problem . But the cottage manufacturers will still be the overall cost in order to solve these parts. ( Such as sales of low-cost display appearance of the material made ​​of metal , which is also without care, the same metal can shield electromagnetic radiation )
Our approach: Although the choice to choose when the monitor heavy weight , but there are cottage within the display with the addition of other insignificant weight , so that consumers can not tell. So the easiest way to purchase a flat hand will monitor ( screen facing up ) , lcd module another person on the phone to the back of the display , such as the signal format becomes less , it indicates that the monitor has a metal shield , and in the work . Of course, this method is somewhat time-consuming, but also need to disassemble , can be considered a very simple way .

