
Plasma maintenance Cheats

With the current plasma TV technology updates, and more friends to buy a plasma TV, especially like to see blockbusters and friends to play the game even more keen on plasma TVs, lcd module plasma TVs this is because the technical advantage. Here I explore with you when maintenance Plasma TV will pay attention to.
1 Remember to avoid the heat, tide, dust

High-power plasma TV is well known, so we must ensure that its cooling effect, or if improper cooling on plasma screens will cause fatal injuries, and even burned. When the TV is turned on items not covered in the machine, and pay attention to ventilation. Resting period of time to pay attention to every clean dirt, dust and static electricity to prevent this "invisible killer", and to pay attention to moisture.

2 Avoid long-term fixed image

Early plasma products in a long time after use prone to the phenomenon of localized scorch the screen, so the screen long stay in a screen, just like people do not quite work and no rest in each state of the plasma chamber shine long the same circumstances, the screen will stay on the screen like a shadow lingering. So be sure not to let the long-term plasma TV on the same screen freeze, to avoid such irreparable damage.

3 Wipe the screen to be careful

On the screen by the electrostatic attraction of dust is inevitable, we often want to clean the screen. But did you know that if improper cleaning can also cause damage to the screen, and then to the quality of the effects regret. First, wipe the screen not too often, and the best special screen cleaning material or soft cotton cloth. Also, lcm module do not use chemicals to clean, otherwise it will damage the screen surface is used to enhance the effect of the oxide protective film screen. Water is not very good cleaners, because it will leave water marks on the screen. It is preferable to use a plasma screen cleaner.

4 Remove TV technician to please

If you need to remove plasma TV, be sure not to do it yourself. Because you do not know what parts more critical components, damage to yourself once a key component will cause TV Mishap, so then may outweigh the need to replace parts. And with the high-voltage plasma screen is, and very easy to dismantle an electric shock, this is closely related to life events. Refrain from reckless act.

