
With memory interface, LCD display module

Dot-matrix LCD interface is simple, can be graphically display raster or a variety of information, so a variety of electronic design has been widely used. However, its interface must follow certain hardware and timing specifications, depending on the liquid crystal driver, may need to issue different commands to control to display the data. And execution of the command takes some time, a large number of real-time data in the system in the case, if the direct control of the liquid crystal display, may consume too much time, thus affecting the data processing. Therefore, as a need to use different COG LCD Module, which require software changes. To solve these problems, the paper proposes use of the memory interface LCD module, the existing dot-matrix LCD screen attached an MCU (Micro-Controller Unit microprocessor) and related devices, the use of memory with an external controller interface, thus solve a unified interface and display speed problems.
We know that the human eye phenomenon of persistence of vision, change every 0.1 seconds within the image appears to be a considered continuous, and only 0.1 seconds of changing images difficult to detect the human eye. According to this physical phenomenon, we use an external memory controller interface design a LCD interface module, the external controller to display the data is written directly interface to memory, depending on the interface refresh LCD display. Refresh rate more than 10 times per second, you can achieve continuous display purposes. Of course, the higher the refresh rate of the human eye image change can feel more continuous and smooth.
Wen proposed lcd module using memory and an external controller to interface with unified interface specification. External controller to display the contents of the liquid crystal display module directly into the display memory interface can be realized, not directly complicated and time-consuming matrix LCD control processing operations, is conducive to the controller for real-time processing of large amounts of data. There are currently a large color LCD screen uses a similar program, but expensive. For general applications, this paper presents the LCD module is highly versatile, and increased hardware costs less than buying a single dot matrix LCD 20%, it can be widely applied.

