
Monochrome dot-matrix graphic LCD module display

Monochrome dot-matrix graphic LCD module display control principle
When we get an Tsingtek low temperature lcd template you want to apply it , you can not understand his material and the underlying display principle , as long as we understand his principles and will be used to display control chip or computer , we can achieve this LCD module the purpose of the. When general, orders to send the LCD pixel 1 , pixel display , when the pixels on the OLED Display screen to send 0 type, pixels are not displayed. This byte display memory 1 and 0 Memory LCD module is stored by the LCD controller module automatically as we normally done in the initialization process in accordance with the requirements set by the low temperature lcd display to LCD screen , so the LCD display controller module automatically in the process according to the requirements of our LCD monitor settings , in fact, the controller LCD module to manage the display memory of the display area .

